
Professors / Staff

Users with a @TeiPir account have an email address in the form: username @ teipir.gr

Maximum storage for mail is 50GB.

Follow the link in the menu to set up your e-mail client

Log into the webmail from: http://mail.teipir.gr


Student have an e-mail address in the form : username @ school.teipir.gr


A student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technological Applications, with Student ID: 12345, will get an e-mail account address: mec12345@stef.teipir.gr

A student from the Department of Logistics, School of Management and Economics, with Student ID: 12345, will get an e-mail account address: log12345@sdo.teipir.gr

Log into the webmail from: http://mail.teipir.gr